The Senior List Research

Our research division actively studies aging in place and regularly publish independent content covering social, economic political and geographic topics for seniors.
Navigating Health Information in the AI Era: A Deep Dive into Google’s AI Overviews

But can such information be trusted as artificial intelligence (AI) assumes a more significant role in web searches? Google’s new “AI Overviews” tool provides brief answers ...

grandpa sitting at a table with his young grandchild
Grandparents Spend an Average of $4,000 a Year on Grandkids

Today, many grandparents help with housing expenses, healthcare costs, tuition, travel, or loans, even as they face their own financial challenges like rising living costs and deb...

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Surprise Retirement Costs: What Seniors Need to Know To Protect Their Savings

In recent years, inflation has significantly impacted various industries, making it challenging for consumers to keep pace. Between January 2020 and May 2024, consumer price infla...

two older adults being handed a prescription bottle by a doctor
STIs in Older Adults: Where Does Your State Rank?

While older people tend to have lower rates of STIs than younger adults, the increases seen among people aged 55+ are a significant cause for concern. To better understand how STI...

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