Does Insurance Cover Hearing Aids? A Guide to Hearing Aid Coverage

While few carriers will cover the full cost of hearing aids, some might offer partial coverage for specific hearing aid brands.
Kasey Craig
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Kasey Craig
Written By
Dr. Kasey Craig, Au.D.

Kasey is passionate about explaining hearing loss and communication strategies to her patients and their families, helping them get back to effective and fun communication. Her experience in public and private healthcare in the U.S. and abroad gives her perspective and familiarity about all sides of the hearing aid market. She studied linguistics at Rice University and got her Au.D. (Clinical Doctorate in Audiology) at the University of South Florida. When she is not helping her patients make the best decisions about their hearing health care and hearing aids, she enjoys photography and painting, in addition to hiking the hills of Scotland with her partner and kids.

Learn more about Kasey here.